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Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso
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*** CAT2 V0.9 documentation 12/30/1994 ***
CAT2 V0.9 (C) 1994 by the author :
Martin Kasprzik
Greutaeckerstr. 30
71083 Herrenberg
e-mail : via Gregor_Cedilnik@bb.maus.de
This programm is freely distributable. Do with it whatever you like, but
use it at your own risk, always include this unmodified documentation
and dont use it for commercial purposes.
Hint: Do not change the names of the files and directories and the structure
or the programm may not work correctly (files not found). But you
can add your own new config-files and pictures, or replace the existing ones
with other files of the same type.
CAT is a little AGA-game for two players only and was written with
SAS-C 6.50.
You simply drive around leaving a beam behind you and trying to
avoid obstacles and the other player's track.
(Yeah, it's just another TRON-clone, but it is AGA, it is free,
you can use your own pictures in CAT, and I simply like two-
player games more than the one-player games. By the way, do you know
TurboRaketti ? Great game, I just can't stop playing it!)
CAT is an AGA game, therefore you must have an AGA Amiga (1200,4000 or
above !? ) and at least Kickstart 3.0. Sorry for the guys with older
Amigas, throw them away and buy newer ones ;) - if you can get some!!!
Also CAT requires quite a lot of free memory (about 400K, mostly Chip-
RAM, for the buffer picture, Sounds, etc.)
CAT can be started from Workbench or from the CLI. Just doubleclick its
Icon or enter cat2 in the CLI.
CAT will be started with its builtin default values and the default
picture (that is gfxdata/feld.pic on PAL-Amigas and gfxdata/ntsc/n_feld.pic
on NTSC-Amigas). CAT automatically detects if it was started on a NTSC-
Amiga (e.g.USA,200 lines) or on a PAL-Amiga (e.g.Germany,256 lines) and
opens the correct screens and pictures.
If you start CAT from CLI you can specify a configuration option with the
parameter -c and the name of a configuration file.
e.g. cat2 -c cat.config.2 or cat2 -c n_cat.config.4
cat2 -c without a name starts with cat.config (on PAL) or n_cat.config
(on NTSC).
Move around with the joystick or use the keyboard, left player 3-s-w-e for
up-down-left-right and y(z on American keyboards!!!) for jump, x for bombs.
The right player is on the numeric keyboard, 8-2-4-6 for up-down-left-right
and 0 for jumps, . for bombs.
With the joystick, you throw bombs by just pressing the fire button alone and
you jump by moving the stick in one direction and then simultaneously
pressing the fire button.
!!! IMPORTANT: if the left player is driving very strange and is crashing all
the time, then you have forgotten to unplug the mouse !!!
(keyboard- and joystick control is performed simultaneously)
While playing, you have a few special choices. You can jump forward to
avoid obstacles or to overtake your enemy and then cut off his way (bad
guy) or if you are desperate you can throw bombs. They will flatten the ground
in front of you and then restore the original playfield without the
annoying tracks left by the players. However the number of jumps and bombs is
limited. In the status-line on top of the screen you can see how much of
both you have left (BO=bombs,SP=jumps). You can gain new jumps and bombs in
driving over the little blue pills in the picture, if you can reach them
without crashing.
Moreover you can teleport by driving into the green and yellow squares.
While teleporting, you are invulnerable. Teleporting stops after a certain
time, which is measured in the setting of 80 pixels. The higher the game
speed, the shorter the time of teleporting!
In some places you can pass the border of the playfield without being hurt
and enter again on the other side. These places are usually marked with
a thick red line.
And last but not least you can drive in the pink colored special ports,
which will plant an obstacle in front of the other player everytime you
drive into the port.
The speed of the game may vary remarkably depending on your hardware, because
it consumes a lot of time for calculating . On an A1200 without FAST-RAM
it is a lot slower than on an A4000 with 68060 and 90 MHZ 8,)
Therefore you can adjust the speed while playing by pressing one of the
F-keys F1 to F8. On slower Amigas use F2 to F4, on faster Amigas F5 to F7.
F8 is very slow, F1 is maximum speed.
You can always press the F10-key to pause the game and the ESC-key to exit
the game immediately.
- encircle your opponent
- if it is a head to head race, overtake him with a jump and cross his
path so that he (or she) has no time to react
- plan the way you are going to drive, look ahead (deadends)
- if it is close, throw a bomb or escape via teleport
- most hated tactics:
use the special pink ports by driving through them as often as you can
in very narrow turns e.g. first horizontically then vertically and planting
very many obstacles around your opponent and then, when you cannot reach
the special port anymore because of your own tracks, throw a bomb on it
and start over again
You can draw your own pictures and use them with CAT.
The best way is to change the picture-name in the default config-file
cat.config (PAL) or n_cat.config (NTSC) and start the programm from
the CLI with cat2 -c or you create your own config files and call them
with cat2 -c config-file-name.
When you create your own pictures, you need to know the following :
640x256 in PAL, 640x200 in NTSC. 256 colors!
Parts of the picture will be invisible because of the overlaying window-
borders. The picture is adjusted, so that the left top corner is left top
and visible, the last 13 lines and the right 8 columns are invisible, so
rember it when drawing, the picture coordinates are from 0,0 to 631,242 (PAL)
to 631,286 (NTSC).
Colors lesser than 32 are treated as obstacles (colors 1 to 7 are
also used for drawing the track of player1, colors 9 to 15 for player2).
Colors 21-23,25-27 and 29-31 are used for sprite coloring and are changed
by the sprites.
Draw obstacles horizontically at least 2 pixels wide or they may not be
Color 32 is the color for passing the boundaries.
Colors 66-71 and 80-87 are teleports.
Colors 137-143 are bonus-pills (more jumps and bombs)
Colors 176-183 are the special ports.
Okay, now draw some nice pictures and check them out.
-multiplayer (more players, 3,4,5,6,...)
-more special effects
-nice color-cycling
-better and more flexible configuration
-better and more linear timing, assembler, interrupts and that stuff
(as you have noticed, the speed of the game is not constant, while
teleporting e.g. the whole thing slows down)
-better pictures
send me your selfmade pictures!
letters,donations,gifts,postcards,e-mail,bug-reports,new ideas,
girls,drinks,... are always welcome!
*** end of documentation CAT2 V0.9 ***